Welcome to the 2024/2025 School Year!

Get Involved!

Your PTO Executive Board is excited to bring some fun events to our CECA families this year. BUT we can't do it without your help! Click below to become a member of the CECA PTO which gives you voting rights at our monthly general meetings. Your PTO is here to serve you, our students, families and teachers - please feel free to reach out anytime!

PTO General Meeting Schedule

Please join us at our general meetings in the front office from 8-9am on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Be in the know, have your voice heard, help plan PTO events & grab a light refreshment!

Purchase a PTO membership for just $10 to ensure you are able to vote on any motions raised at our meetings.

  • Wednesday 3/19/25
  • Wednesday 4/16/25
  • Wednesday 5/21/25